Gender Tech News

  • OPEN

    Integrating Gender into the Voluntary Carbon Market

    The Voluntary Carbon Market is rapidly growing in scale and impact. An increasing number of Corporates globally are taking voluntary action to off-set their residual green house gas emissions as they transition to 'Net Zero'. The investments that they make cross a range of sectors such as prevention of deforestation, reforestation, sustainable agriculture and protection and management of other natural eco-systems, as well as techncial solutions such as renewable energy. Many of these investme... more

  • OPEN

    CoP 26

    Participating in CoP 26 

    Sue Phillips will be attending CoP 26 in Glasgow as part of the WOCAN (Women Organising for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management) delegation. WOCAN will be contributing to events and opportunities to shine a stronger light on the role of women and gender equality in climate action.


  • OPEN

    The Safeguarding Diagnostic

    We are proud to announce our first enterprise: The Safeguarding Diagnostic which has been developed in partnership with Social Development Direct as a technological innovation to support the global movement to tackle sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. The diagnostic offers business leaders the opportunity to act to prevent sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (PSEAH):  in the workplace, in their programmes and in their supply chains.
